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cosmetic packaging:consequences of plastic ban and waste issues

How does the recent way of considerate packaging and its end of life, as well as the ban on single-use plastics, affect the cosmetics segment?

The answer is a massive impact for 3 main reasons:

  1. #Bans (single use plastic, microbeads , cotton buds etc.) and requirements for more sustainable #packaging (REDUCE-RESUE-RECYCLE) Cosmetic segment uses a lot of plastic (tube, pot) and heavy packaging (glass jar) with source reduction (REDUCE) and disposal issues (RECYCLE- REUSE)

  2. Growth of Natural #Organic new cosmetic brands with environmentally friendly image and need for sustainable packaging strategy

  3. #Consumers consciousness about packaging issues- With global trends of DIY (Do It Yourself) and without accessible solutions, many people decide to make their own #homemade cosmetics perceived as more natural, “safer” and cheaper. They want to know what is inside their beauty products. More, product shelf life and protection against contamination is not seen as a problem.

Many books and short videos present homemade cosmetic #recipes with no real risk explanation when using essential oils or special plants. Consumers play the chemist role. Ingredients, even if they are “natural” are part of the chemical formulation and this may be at risk.

Having that said, it's a pity because sustainable packaging solutions exist, having the right container will help keep formula safe and stable for longer.

= reusable packaging and refill packaging

= recyclable flexible packaging with barrier to protect products

= renewable based material with material source certification compostable or/and recyclable

It is the right time to apply packaging sustainable strategy before branded cosmetics disappearing …
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